Tuesday, December 2, 2014


When the internet was introduced to the world it seemed as though it was a knight in shining armor. Now scholars and working professionals are seeing a change in the way we read and react to what we have read.
  • Introduce Thompson and his argument behind the internet
  • Next I will introduce Carr and Rosewald and their arguments behind the internet
  • Quotes from both texts
  • Close intro with my statement of how I am going to present and what I am going to talk about in my paper.
Body 1
  • Topic sentence leading into Thompson’s text
  • Elaborate and explain Thompson’s main claim - So how has all this writing changed our cognitive behavior?
  • Quote one or two examples
  • Elaborate on examples
  • State that the internet has helped us in those ways but it has hindered us more in these ways...
Body 2
  • Topic sentence leading into Carr’s text
  • State Carr’s main claim - the internet is taking away our capacity for concentration and contemplation
  • Elaborate and explain Carr’s principles behind why the internet is handicapping us
  • One or two Quotes from text
  • Explain and interpret quotes
  • State why I agree with Carr and his argument that we are being wounded by the internet but also state that the internet has not completely been harming us
Body 3
  • Personal Anecdote
Body 4
  • Topic sentence leading into Rosewald’s text
  • Explain Rosewald’s text and why I agree
  • Introduce my argument - Currently seen as a result from almost two decades with the internet, there has been a decline in the remembrance of what we read today.

  • One or two quotes from text extending my argument
  • Tying in quotes and my personal experience with the internet

  • Restate all arguments and claims
  • Restate my place in the main argument
  • Close with the fact that the internet has done more harm than good

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