Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Brett Schwarz
RWS 100
September 30, 2014
For-Profit Colleges
To start off, I had no idea that all the art institutes, University of Phoenix, DeVry, and many other colleges are out there to make a profit off of students loans. Many students every year go into these colleges believing that the degree they will get will help them achieve a better life and for some this is true but for most they will be paying off students loans for possibly the rest of their lives. These schools appeal to those who do not make that much money and did not graduate from high school with a promising future. They are as easy to get into as a junior college but cost around 8 times more than one and even twice as much as a California State University. These “businesses” are there to make money. Before I believed these schools were out there to educate and further the education of people. Not true they are out there to make a profit. This is why they are called for-profit schools. These schools account for 10% of all college students but also count for 25% of student loans each year. In my opinion these schools are not scholar institutions at all they are just a big scam. A school’s sole purpose should be to educate the people who will run the world of tomorrow. Not to bankrupt those people.

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